
Showing posts from October, 2021

Anne Marie evaluated San Miguel sensational!

  To determine the best location for my #BLAXIT. Anne is traveling all around this incredibly beautiful country to find a relocation home as she pursues an authentic, unapologetic, and free existence in this world. She will chronicle all her stops here in her blog "San Miguel is Sensational!" . She evaluated many places on certain factors to determine a place to settle after her #BLAXIT from the United States of America (aka “Murica”). To know the evaluating factors read the blog "San Miguel is Sensational!" She collects information about each city, what makes each place interesting and unique. But most importantly she will be allowing herself to absorb how each place makes her feel. Anne is in relentless pursuit of her freedom. She has explained all the reasons why in prior post, check here “ America: I am breaking up with you ” and “ America is a Gilded Cage. ” She visited San Miguel de Allende (SMA or San Miguel) in the State of Guanajuato, Mexico from February...

Anne Marie Moving To Mexico Leaving America

  Anne Marie heading to Mexico to complete her Temporary Residency and collect her Mexican Green Card. She has decided to relocate to Mexico leaving America and settling there Why she made such a decision? Know why she will be Relocating to Mexico? According to her living, happy and peaceful life is more important to me than earning a high income. Workplaces in the U.S. are rife with white supremacy, white privilege, tone policing, and endless microaggressions. No matter how “progressive” the company or workplace it is unavoidable. Expecting that to change is like expecting water not to be wet, She wanted to be a free human being and work for herself. I decided to go where the peace resides instead of the money because the money will follow. Know More about Anne Marie's lifestyle, Read the full blog to gather information about her #Blaxit. At BaldGirlWillTravel.